As it turns out, many people use the student visa for yet another purpose, that of gaining permanent residency in the Lan
d Down Under. It can be noted that, under the old regulations, foreign students were able to immediately apply for permanent citizenship after graduation from their courses. Also, the previous regulations allow foreigners to take advantage of the option regardless of the course they are getting. Thus, a lot of foreign students opted to take vocational courses, as these are the easiest ones to complete and get residency with.
However, with the changes done by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to the country's migration program, this seemed to become a harder route to take. It can be recalled that the DIAC begun implementing these changes since early last year. Here, one of the biggest changes was the removal of the vocational positions from the Skilled Occupation List. Also, the regulations for securing permanent residency has become even stricter today. Students are now required proof that they are indeed currently employed before being granted a chance to apply for permanent residency.
The effect of the new immigration rules were immediate. A lot of foreign students taking up vocational courses were force to stop in their tracks since there is nothing left for them to do. On the other hand, the removal of the vocational positions from the list also meant the automatic cancellation of their visa applications, putting them in a rather awkward situation. Thus, left with no other choice, a lot of them returned to their home countries.
Nevertheless, a lot of people are still pretty much attracted to the idea of getting permanent residency through a student visa. Indeed, the option is actually still very much available. With that, a lot of foreign student hopefuls are now actually choosing to get these visas by getting higher level education. This one is actually welcomed by the Australian immigration department as it indicates that they are able to get more higher level professionals, as this was the intent of the changes.
However, there are still those who attempt to circumvent these new rules and get residency through fraudulent means. These are the ones being closely monitored by the government. Officials are hoping that with the new rules they will be able to clamp down on these individuals.
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